Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Romania Return Update

I started to feel that rush of panic and excitement today as I realized my trip to Romania is about 71 days away..... or at least I hope. I've got about $2,700 still to raise. In some ways it feels like I left Romania a couple months ago, and in other ways I feel like it has been so long since I saw my kids. I received an e-mail today from a friend who is filming there and he included some pictures, seeing the kids faces again made me long that much more to get there! I wish I could describe in words how torn my heart is.... I feel like half of it is in Romania, and half here in the states. 9 months later and my pictures and thoughts of them still brings me to tears.

This trip is more than just going to see the kids though, this is about working with them. Summer teams are needed to run the camps and summer activities. I am excited to work and pour into the kids' lives again.

Someone asked me the other day... “Why do you want to go back, and why so quickly?” My thought was, not quickly enough, I would have gone sooner had I had the funds. Granted my life is still not on track or in some kind of perfect condition.... and I already want to go back. Not only does my heart and passion for Romania call me back, it's the commitment to the kids. These beautiful children I have grown to love and call my own are kids who have spend a lifetime being rejected, abandoned and forgotten. I never want them to feel that with me. I want them to know Romania was not just a small part of my life, it was a part the is forever etched into my heart. My goal is to go back to Romania every year I can. I hope that once I finish school and begin my career I can spend my summers serving every year.

I do need some help to get there and have some exciting fund-raising events to share:

Friday May 4th Mini Photo Session @ Old Folsom Power House - 3pm-6pm

Call: Shannon Squires, #775.722.6659 - $50 for a 30 mini photo session, includes a disk with 10 images. (check her work out on Facebook: (

Saturday May 26th – Game Night at my place.... Poker buy-in and prizes! Details to follow.

June 2ndYard Sale. Accepting donations or come a find some good deals.

June 9th Mini Photo Session (Location & times to follow)

$50 for a 30 mini session, includes a disk with 10 images.

June 16th Car Wash @ my place.

*If you are interested in any of these fund-raisers let me know! Check out my blog as well for updates and a link to donate online... remember it's a tax deductible donation. Even if you just give up two coffee's in my honor & give $10 it would be appreciated more than you know!

Contact me anytime: E-mail:

Or give at:

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