Saturday, March 19, 2011

blog #4

If you can support me these next few months please call H2H at: 1.877. 590.4051
or check out the website

There is also a new "adopt a project" program where you can adopt a particular project. For example a, "Go to an Art Museum" project. And you can donate specifically to a project and the needs or cost for supplies or transportation of that specific project.

Thank you again for watching and continuing to support me financially, emotionally and spiritually!
I couldn't be here without your support!

"Mommy moments"
It is amazing to me how much I can feel like a parent even though I have no biological children. I sure do have a lot of adopted sweethearts though. This last month was full of very special mommy moments and they never get old. Hearing my name called through the halls of the orphanage is like a special song just for me. With every arm wrapped around my neck and kisses on my cheek my heart swells even larger. The kids come to me for that little need of comfort or cuddle. This week one of our littlest first graders was sitting on my lap looking at me intently studying every aspect of my face... it was endearing and as I looked back I thought of how precious he is to me and how I could love him so much even though he is not really mine. Then in youth group one of our older, "cool" boys sat next to me and respectfully held up the words to all the songs for me and made sure I could read along. Then when we went to pray he leaned his head on my shoulder and prayed alongside me. I was in charge of the youth group lesson this week and it was about love and respect and our words matching our actions. As I shared the stories words and scriptures of the lesson I thought this is exactly what a parent shares with their kids to help them become well respected adults. As if those moments weren't enough to give me that "mommy" feeling, God put it on my heart to talk to some of our older girls about sex and relationships. I shared some personal experiences and the importance of waiting. The girls not only listened, but afterward two of them thanked me for sharing and opening myself up to them and having trust in them. I can't imagine a group of kids being on my heart any stronger than these wonderful kids who have captured my heart over and over again. I thank God He would use me, despite my lack of experience of being a parent, teacher or role model to help shape and mold these wonderful children; that He would let me have these moments of pride of “my kids” and priceless feelings of love.