God never ceases to amaze me; He never stops showing me little rays of His bright light. It seems when a reminder is needed, that extra piercing to the heart God always comes through. Today I sat across from a young boy at the team house who is only 15, his mother who was beside me was sharing his story. This young boy was adopted from Romanian ten years ago, right before adoptions were closed. The story of how this boy made it to a loving family in the states is one of miracles. What I find even more amazing is who this boy has become. He has spent time trying to figure out what God has planned for him and why he is where he is and who he is? (Aren't we all trying to figure that out?) This young man came to the conclusion that he was should help the kids who had not been adopted from Romania. So now, not only has he raised hundreds of dollars to come to Romania, he has also raised thousands more to buy shoes for all of the kids at the orphanages we work at. Not only has he done this, but through this experience he has spoken out to others, shared his deepest fears and struggles. He has also challenged hundreds of teenagers to seek their role in changing the world and sharing Christ's love. And as his story is fresh in my mind today I saw a video of a woman who was born against all odds. This woman was suppose to be delivered dead through a saline abortion, but instead she is alive and living and speaking out for God. She said she is willing to be hated to speak out for God. I thought about all the walks of life many of us come through, all the times God interceded even when we didn't realize it. That the all knowing, great God ordains every meeting, every challenge, every friendship, every conversation, every situation for us to see His grace and glory.
There are times it seems God's light shines so brightly and times it seems so dull, but it is always there, we just have to choose how much we see. And as God revealed to me His beautiful light through these two lives I thought to myself, am I willing to be hated? Am I willing to really stand up in what I believe in? Am I walking every day in a way that glorifies my God? Am I speaking, acting, loving and trusting as if my beliefs are alive and true every day? When I feel like I can't give anymore, do I give more? When I am tried and frustrated, do I still speak with kindness? And most of all, do I filter what I say or how much I talk about The God who loves me because I am afraid of what others might think?
God provided these two lives as a reminder, these two rays of light that He is all around me. I can see Him around me and working in me and pray others can see Him through me too, even with all my fleshly faults.