Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Two 1/2 years later and prayers are answered..... the most amazing thing happened! Most of you that know me, know that I made a special connection with a little girl in Romania when I lived there. After a year of working with her, just about daily and falling in love with her I showed up to the orphanage to find out she was gone. I cried for months. I hoped and wished every day I was in Romania she would come back. Even after I got back to the states she was constantly on my heart. I have pictures of her up in my room and in a locket I wear from time to time. Over the last several years my heart still ached for her, I would think of her, pray for her and dream about her. This last winter I had an intense dream about her that stirred me up and I could not shake the feeling for days to keep praying for her. I had resolved after so long that I would never see her again this side of heaven. She has never left my heart and I still thought of her often, but I had come to the conclusion I just would never know. I would have to trust that God was watching over her.
Then a little over a week ago I got an e-mail from my teaching partner I worked with when I was in Romania, Lenuta she is studying in London working on her Masters. The e-mail subject was surprise and the message said, check out the picture below and tell me what you think? I scrolled down to a picture of several children. As I looked my mouth dropped open and I starred for the longest time in disbelief..... There she was, my little Ana, that little girl who capture my heart over 2 1/2 years ago. I could hardly contain myself, I frantically wrote back saying, that's my Ana, that's my Ana..... where is she? what do you know?!! I thought for sure it would be days before I heard back. The whole things seems so unbelievable. I found out the next day a friend in Romania had sent some random pictures to Lenuta about a new orphanage she was working at and Lenuta recognized Ana. Pictures went from Romania to London to me in the United States! I got a message and several pictures of Ana. Tears flooded down my face, I just kept starring at her smiling back at me. I was so comforted that she was safe and looking healthy. I found out in the winter she was found begging in the snow and the police took her to this orphanage (I believe this was about the time I had the intense dream about her). My prayers and inclinations to pray were not in vain. I found out she is doing well and she is getting help with her speech issues and she is happy and healthy and striving. I still am in awe of how good God is! What an amazing blessing to know she is safe and see her smiling. I never thought I would see that beautiful face again and by the grace of God I got to!
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